Villa Mongolia

The common area module is the main one, from where we could get to the other parts of the house.

From the central block there is a connection with the entrance block, with the personnel block, technical one as well as with a spa area. All these blocks are located on the first level.

Private blocks are located one level higher. Despite of the fact that the house gives this impression of a monument, due to the thick walls and a cold climate of the region, it is still made as transparent as possible so a lot of glazing was used. (Did you know that Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital in the world in terms of average annual temperature?) The main private block where the owner of the house will be, is situated in such a way that all the entrances could be easily observed and this allows the owners to control everyone who is in the front area of ​​the house. Also in this block, the owner can control the back of the territory looking through space of the common  block, which is more than 8 meters high.

If the client is not satisfied with the layout of the house created for a certain number of people in this case, according to their needs, they can re-design the existing layout and either add new premises or expand the existing ones. For example, the client can completely remove the staff block, expand or completely remove the spa area or the pool (which is 8x3 meters).